Thursday, June 14, 2012

Busy Bag Exchange: Felt Sandwiches and Counting Beans

We pulled out the next two activities from our busy bag exchange today.  While I was making dinner, Little Man stayed busy counting beans and making peanut butter, tomato, and salami sandwiches for Daddy...that's right...anyone who says peanut butter and salami do not a delicious sandwich make, has never had one made by this adorable little chef...
LM showing off the final sandwich he made for Daddy's dinner.
When Daddy got home from work he thoroughly enjoyed his PB, jelly,
salami, lettuce, tomato, cheese (two kinds), and bacon sandwich!   =)
Bacon makes everything delicious.  Right?

Felt Sandwiches

The pieces were quite durable and even had decorative
stitching to make them more realistic.
Click here to see more stuff sewn by the creator of this bag!  
The felt sandwich activity included two slices of bread (extra thickness created by sewing two pieces of felt together), two slices of tomato and bacon; and one piece each of salami, lettuce, swiss cheese, american cheese, grape jelly and peanut butter.  The objective is to give the child an opportunity for imaginary play and practice with practical life skills.  I even began giving LM recipes/sandwich orders for sandwiches with only peanut butter, or only lettuce and salami for example. 

Counting Beans

The Counting Beans activity included flashcards with the numerals 1 through 10 on one side and the correlating number of stickers on the opposite side as well as a handful of dry beans for counting. The objective is for the child to practice counting with the numerals and stickers to improve both number recognition and counting skills.  By counting the stickers and placing a bean on each one in a "one-to-one" matching process, LM was learning more about his numbers and counting in a "hands-on" or kinesthetic way.  This made him very intense...but happy!  =)

See...intense.  Serious work when the pinky is out.

He was extremely proud of his success though!  =)


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