Friday, July 6, 2012

Magnetic Fun in a Bottle

Wow, with a sick kiddo, temps at 100+ degrees, storms to rival the storm of the century, and finally an ill timed July 4th blackout (complete with newly legalized fireworks), we have had just a small amount of craziness around here the past few days.  Thankfully though, the power is back on, and I feel like we might be settling back into our own little version of normalcy.

I myself have learned quite a bit over the last week from, how to make homemade HEALTHY granola bars (using this amazing recipe) to how to more efficiently keep my Pinterest boards organized.  Have I mentioned I LOVE Pinterest?  In point of fact, I may be addicted.

Anyway, I think the most important thing I learned this week was to remember that things will most likely never go EXACTLY how I planned them...and that's ok.  As I'm preparing for starting Little Man's "Learning at Home" routines in the next few months, it's probably going to be more important than ever for me to remember that!

So, as I said, we have electricity again (Yay for today's modern conveniences!  Right?) so now, I can start at the beginning...always a good place to start.  ;) 

A few days ago (on a day we were planning to be at the zoo) we were hit with the double whammy of BLAHdom.  Thunderstorms outside and a Little Man who wasn't feeling quite himself inside.  What to do?  What to do?  One can only read The Cat and the Hat and There's a Wocket in My Pocket (LM's current faves) so many times before running to the craft supplies quick, fast and in a hurry!

And there they were...the newly purchased magnetic wands Little Man has been exploring the house with for a couple days.  He enjoys sticking them to everything, testing whether or not they will "stay together."  If you read a couple posts back, you know he also has fallen in love with discovery bottles.  So, I thought, why not combine his current fascination with magnets and his interest in all things discovery bottle?  And lo and behold...we have...the Magnetic Discovery Bottle.  I found the original idea here...on Pinterest, of course!

Here are a few pics of Little Man and his Daddy getting our newest Discovery Bottle up and running...

I cut up about 12 pipecleaners into 1 inch pieces and LM diligently made sure each piece went into a VOSS water bottle.
We glued the lid on for safety after adding all the pipecleaners and the magnetic "coins" that came with the wands.
Little Man was fascinated by the fact that he could move the pieces inside the bottle without actually having to touch them.  MAGIC!
They both had a lot of fun with this project, and in true Daddy fashion, Little Man's Daddy devised a plan to make a Giant I-Spy Discovery Bottle the next day.  Hopefully I will get pictures of that adventure up tomorrow sometime.  I'm thinking that after the past few days with Daddy, Little Man probably won't think it's so bad to be sick!   

Creations by Kara


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