Friday, July 13, 2012

A Look at Little Man's Mega I-Spy Bottle...As Promised!

So, this may be the beginning of a new post category for us.  Let's call this The Amazing Adventures of Little Man and Daddy! 

Little Man spent an entire afternoon with his Daddy combing the house hunting for treasure.  This specific hunt was for the perfect items to add to their new MEGA I-SPY Discovery Bottle.  As they found things, we spread them out and took a photo of the booty.  Here is a pic of everything before adding it all to the bottle.  We are going to print this photo out as a checklist of what we should search for when playing the game. 

Little Man thought it was hilarious watching each of the items fall and hit the bottom of the bottle.  In fact, he enjoyed it so much, we had to dump everything out and let him put it all back in a second time!  Of course, Daddy took care of the items that were too small or a bit dangerous for LM to handle.  After all the items were in the bottle (for the second time,) we poured the rice in about three fourths of the way to the top of the bottle, glued the lid on, shook it up, and we were ready to play!

My pictures of Little Man and his dad completing the bottle didn't turn out.   =(    But, here are a few pics of LM playing his "new rice game" the following day.  I like that you can see the progression of him getting serious about finding the items.  It starts off pretty casual and by the end, he's pretty much on top of the bottle, as close as he can be!!  


After making the bottle with his dad, Little Man spent some time practicing his pouring skills with the left over rice. I have to say, he's getting much better at it.  The mess stayed pretty much on the plates, and I honestly don't think ALL the spills were accidental!   ;)


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