After flipping through the book, I'm already in love and have a bunch of new ideas for ways to turn more of LM's everyday moments into LEARNABLE MOMENTS. One of the activities that caught my eye immediately was Discovering Colors. LM, knows the ten basic colors pretty well. He recognizes, and can correctly identify them. My question is, how did it happen? So, I started from the beginning. I know we did these things to try to support his understanding...
I also made my Little Man a set of homemade color sticks based on Montessori colored tablets.
To make this set, I simply wrapped embroidery floss tightly around a pair of popsicle sticks and secured each end with hot glue. LM uses these sticks to practice identifying his colors as well as matching like colors together.
We are currently working on shades of colors! I've learned a few different ways to use paint color samples to play with a crazy amount of colors and different shades. We have slide games, matching games, gradient games and memory games...definitely more to come on that! We will also be adding sets of Red, Orange, Yellow, Blue, Green, and Purple in a gradient of shades from Dark to Light. I can't wait to get started so LM will have a new game to play when he asks to "Play color sticks!"
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